Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 73

Every Sunday I try and ride my bike 20 miles. Usually Lexi comes with me but she did not go to church with us last night so she had to go this morning during bike ride time. She gave me that face that makes me melt so I told her that I would ride 10 miles without her and when she got home from church I would go another 10 with her. After my ride alone, I came home and started working on more video's for my show and when Lexi got home from church, we went on our ride. From my house, I can get to the West Orange Trail pretty easily. It is about a mile and a half to the trail and you have a choice to go toward Apopka or Winter Garden. Lexi chose the Winter Garden way like last week so that she could stop and get an ice cream.

If you recall last week we were eating ice cream when the guitar player sang piano man, which I thought was brilliantly funny. This week we were eating the ice cream and the guitar man was playing. Every song he played, Lexi would ask if this was the piano man song. We never did hear him sing that one but I thought it funny that she remembered that. After our ride home, it was back in the office for more work.

Now I started this blog to keep everyone posted on my leg healing process so here goes. I wake up in the morning and walk like I am 95 years old until the stiffness goes away. Once I can walk normally, my leg starts cracking especially when I walk up the stairs. After about 15 minutes, all of the cracking stops and I forget that I have broken my leg. The swelling is still there but not bad at all. Of course I am not ready to jump around and dance like I am 20, but it really gets better and stronger every day. I am praying that by the time I have to start dancing for PartyLite, I will be ready.

Karen and Kyle's fiancee went to see Sex in the City tonight. They loved it. Lexi is watching Legally Blonds, a Disney Channel addition to the original movie, Kyle is watching sports and Adam is playing Wii with his girlfriend, which leaves me here to write. Not home alone yet....alone. I will miss them when they leave. Having everyone here is always fun. So now I will go to bed and leave you with this:

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