Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 2 (really day 16)

So this is day two of the blog thing. Day 16 since the big injury and no work. I finally got cleared to go back to the gym but of course I can only work upper body. After 3 exercises and forgetting it had been a week since my last visit, I got dizzy and had to leave. That did not keep me down though. I did go back later that evening with my neighbor and finish. You have to be very creative when working out on crutches.
Thank God for children. My son is outside raking leaves for me while his girlfriend is washing the cars. Gotta love 'em. Last week before my surgery, my son was on the roof trying to get the large amount of leaves out of the gutters and needed a bit of help. So I got myself up the ladder on my knees and was pulling the leaves out of one end while he was pushing the down to me. My wife came out and started screaming at me so I had to come down. I know it was stupid but I thought, if I were going to have surgery anyway and I broke something else, they would just fix everything. I know that I am not a good patient at all because I am always on the go, but I am learning to be better.
I have faith that God put me in this position so that I would slow down for a bit and have time to work on the things that I really want to work on that I never have time to.
Funny how children react to an injured parent. My daughter (who is 10) has LOVED me being down because I can read to her and I am not distracted by my 1000 other things. She hugs me all the time and we are having fun playing games and connecting. My poor wife is exhausted waiting on me I am sure. She makes my food for me before she leaves to teach her classes and checks in on my 12 times while she is out to make sure that I am behaving.
We have a wedding to go to tonight, no dancing for me, but it will be nice to get out. Until tomorrow. Thanks for reading.

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