Monday, May 10, 2010

Days 52 and 53

Well everyone say a big YAHOO!!! Cause papa is going back to work tomorrow. That's right, I was released to go back to work and I could not be happier. I had to explain to the doctor what I did in my show so that he could write some restrictions and when I told him that I ride a bike with a mana ray over my head and jump off of a scull while holding a puppet, he was quite perplexed. So he wrote, no restrictions as tolerated so that I can determine what I can and can't do. The stage has been great about allowing me to gradually go into shows. I am sooooooooooooo excited.

I had to go to health services today to get my restrictions lifted paper and waited about 2 hours. There were only 3 people there including me so I did not know what the hold up was but when I got back, realized that there was only one nurse. She was as sweet as could be and was from a town not too far from the one I grew up in. We ate at the same pizza place when we lived there. What a small world.

So much to tell as it has been two days. Yesterday was Mother's Day and I have to say that Karen's was fantastic. She slept in till 10:30 and then Lexi and I played a game with Karen called garbage that Lexi learned at dance's a card game. When the boys got home from church, they cooked an amazing champagne brunch for Karen, eggs, waffles, sausage, bacon, orange juice and of course champagne. Lexi had made the pool deck look like a beach (work with me here, it looked like a pool deck) because she wanted to go to the beach but Karen thought it was too much work. We heated up the jacuzzi on a beautiful 79 degree day (again work with me, that is what she wanted) and she sat in there for a long time and laying in the sun. We all swam in the pool and had a blast. After that, Karen took a nap and Lexi and I went on a 10 mile bike ride. When we got back the boys were making dinner. Chicken, rice, veggies and salad. We then took Karen to Twisty Treat for her annual ice cream. What a great day had by all and the fact that Karen did not have to cook or do anything was such a treat.

Today, after the doctor, I went to meet up with a publishing company about my book. We had a two hour meeting and talked about all of my options. Thank you Alice Bass, you were so much help and gave me so much to think about. This is really going to happen. I am so excited. Now I just need to finish the book.

So now I will have to start getting up early, you know, make my eggs and oatmeal, go to the gym and then get to work. I will start my day tomorrow with physical therapy and then go for the last 3 shows. So I will go to bed now. I just want you all to know how much I appreciate your prayers, thoughts and well wishes during my healing process. I will still be writing my blog as my healing process is not over, just getting better, so please continue to read on. I am sure that I will have many stories to tell.

Today would have been my parents 58th wedding anniversary. I know my Dad is in heaven singing one of the many songs he wrote for my Mom. So I leave you with some lyrics from a song he wrote called Happy Anniversary to My Wife:

If God would so choose that my life he would give a second chance to be
And if he would say that I must choose someone to share it with me...............
..............then I would tell my God above, that once more I choose you!!!!

He loved my Mom more than life itself!!!! I miss you Dad. I love you both.

If you want to hear the rest of the song, come to my show June 14th at the Winter Garden Theater, downtown Winter Garden Florida. 7:00pm start time.

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