Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 70

Got up and went to therapy at 7:30. I was the only one there for a bit and I had Mary Anne today. She was great. She worked on my foot for the first 45 minutes and got it loose before I started my exercises. Kristie was hanging out chatting with us and I told them both about Stacy's foot know, the one where I feel her boob with my foot. They were laughing so hard but then said, they too use their boobs as a resting place. They were sad I did not notice that they did the same thing. I guess because Stacy in that department, I notice it more.

Got to work a bit late because of PT but was there in time to eat my breakfast and get on stage. I had four shows today, all Mr. Ray and Chum the shark. By the time I got to the fourth show, my foot was sore. I made it through the day with one ice bath in the middle. Wow do those hurt.

After work I went to the gym and then went out to Lexi's dance studio to pick her up. I had the pleasure of driving some of the other girls home. One of them was texting the whole way home, she is in 5th grade, and the other two were so not wanting to be in my truck. They looked miserable. I am not sure if Karen gives these kids treats or what but they were not having it. I dropped them all off and not a thank you for the ride or nothing. I told Lexi, that if I ever found out she did not say thank you for something, I would be very disappointed. She assured me she always says thank you.

Ryan called and asked for a ride to the airport tomorrow. He leaves at 7, which means to the airport at 6 which means leave the house at 5:15. So it is bed time for me. Karen is in the office taking an online driving course for the last ticket she got. She gets them at least every 6 months. I am surprised they still allow her to take the courses. She has a lead foot. Kyle too. I think Adam just got a ticket as well. Does anyone pay attention to the speed limits? People get so mad at me when I take Lexi to school because the speed limit on one road is 25 and I go 25. They honk and get mad but I still go 25. Anyway, until tomorrow, I leave you with this:

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. ~G.B. Stern

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