Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 54

I clocked in and celebrated being back at work. I always knew that I loved my job but I really never knew how much until it was taken from me. I walked in in my beard and immediately had to shave. It took about 20 minutes to get it all off and now I look so weird. I sat with Serena (the other lead at our stage) and she got me all caught up on what has been going on at the stage. I went back stage with our PT Michelle who helped me figure out just how I will get up and off of some of the set pieces and then I danced through the shark number back stage during the show. I think I will be okay but I will for sure have to take it easy for a bit. That will be harder for me than anything because I always try to give it my all.

I spoke with Cate, our stage manager, and she was saying what a year we have had at the stage with the abundance of injuries and pregnancies at the stage. Hopefully with my coming back and babies being born, we will be on the mend.

In physical therapy today, they kicked my butt. I was in there for 2 hours and 15 minutes and worked my leg so hard that right now I am soar as all get out. I brought in my banana bunker today and I think I may have changed some of the PT's lives forever. My favorite thing to do is to put an empty banana bunker on a chair and watch peoples reactions when they see it. Just in case you don't know, a banana bunker is a hard shell for banana's so that when you place it in a bag or lunch box, the banana is protected and won't bruise. The center is ribbed so that if the banana is curved more or really straight, the bunker can be shaped to match the banana. One lady walked in today and I only wish we had her reaction on camera. She sat next to it and kept staring at it and finally picked it up. I yelled across the room "Banana Bunker" to which she quickly put it back and acted as if she never touched it. They need to do that on candid camera. Google banana bunker and you will see for yourself. The best invention ever. Thank you Karl for the gift.

Tomorrow I get to do a convention with my friend Steve and then go look at Ryan's new home he just bought. I will let you know how all of that works out. I am just so glad to be back and I can't wait to get on stage in front of an audience. I watched Glee tonight and Rachel said such a Billy Flaniganism. She said that her life would be nothing without applause. I kind of feel the same way. I know better but the applause is just the best ever. I mean really,"what is it that we're living for....applause, applause"

1 comment:

  1. Another quote from Mr. Adams (0ne of my idols.)

    "It's what each of us shows, and how, that gives to us character and prestige. Seeds of kindness, goodwill, and human understanding, planted in fertile soil, spring up into deathless friendships, big deeds of worth, and a memory that will not soon fade".
