Well I did not get the release I was looking for from the doctor. Let's look at the positives. I got to loose my crutches, I start physical therapy on Monday and I am alive. I walked out of the doctors office with no crutches, went into the gym and actually walked around on my own. I had to get home quick because I had to grab my computer and get to the mac store for my personal project time.
There are good people in the world. I was walking from the parking lot carrying my desktop computer and being oh so careful. As I passed someone who worked in the mall and a custodial worker, the noticed my struggle and asked if they could walk me to the store and put the computer on the custodial cart. I was so grateful because adding the extra weight as I walked was not a good idea. I asked the employee to get me a guest satisfaction card and bring it to me so that I could praise them both for going above and beyond, but they never came back. The just were nice for the sake of being nice.
My personal project assistant at the mac store was awful. He did not know anything about what I was working on and I was there for over an hour and had nothing done. I saw the guy that helped me last week and asked for a few minutes of his time and he got me up and running in no time. I stayed there until 5:00 and then went back to the gym to swim. When I took my boot off my leg was quite swollen but after swimming, the swelling went down and felt much better. I am feeling stiffness and discomfort but not really pain.
By the time I got home, Karen had made us some delicious salmon for dinner and then I was off to a home owners meeting. It amazes me how few people are interested in what goes on in there community. Your house is your biggest investment, you should invest time and interest in your investment. I mean, Friends is not on anymore and American Idol, Glee and Dancing With the Stars is not on Thursdays, so what the heck are they doing? I got home and Karen had just left to pick Lexi up from dance.....AT 9:30. OMG these are young kids who have to get up for school. She has a dance competition starting tomorrow and all weekend so I know they were running everything but PLEASE!!!! Not it is past 10:30 and she is just drying her hair. She will be a night mare in the morning. Pray for me. On that I leave you with this:
The father of a daughter is nothing but a high-class hostage. A father turns a stony face to his sons, berates them, shakes his antlers, paws the ground, snorts, runs them off into the underbrush, but when his daughter puts her arm over his shoulder and says, "Daddy, I need to ask you something," he is a pat of butter in a hot frying pan. ~Garrison Keillor
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