At one point Lexi was sick of watching things that she was not in so I told her to get a tape that had her name on it. Now we were watching VHS tapes earlier and all of the tapes that she would have been on are on mini DV tapes. She comes out of the room with a cassette tape that had her name on it and says " I found one that is of me". I told her that was not a video tape, it was a cassette tape and out of the mouths of babes she said "What is a cassette tape?" Kill me now. In her lifetime, we have never used a cassette tape. How is that possible? I told her that cassettes were how we listened to music before CD's came out. The only reason this one had her name on it was because someone gave it to me when she was born because it sang Happy Birthday Lexi. I did not dare to tell her about 8 tracks or dare I say RECORDS!!!!!
I have been walking on my leg adding more pressure to it throughout the day. I am so hoping to beat the odds and be back to work by next week. YIKES!!! We will see. I rode the bike at the gym today for 50 minutes burning only 325 calories. During the ride I was watching the P90X informercial and I think when I am healed, I might try that for a while. I have been doing body for life now for 10 years and although the principals of the program I will keep with me, I must change my workouts to get better results. I need something different. 1 hour a day is 15 minutes less than what I do now but I have to be completely healed to do this as the program requires jumping.
Caught up with Glee tonight, was not that thrilled with the episode but fun to see Idina Menzel on the show. It is like Broadway comes to TV with most of the leads. I do hope that they bring Krisitn Chenowith on the show while Idina is on it and have them be past rivals. That would be fun.
So kind of a sit around and reminisce day where I was looking at my past and all that I have been blest with, and now what is ahead with 2 sons getting married and my third turning 21 soon, and a daughter who will be as sexy as here mom, so here is the quote I have found for you:
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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